This week we end up on a government watch list for YOU...and we go ahead and drag Scott from Writer’s Bagel Basket down with us. We watched Rodney Dangerfield (the world’s most successful 71-year old salesman never to receive a promotion) bumble his way through work and somehow end up coaching his company’s terrible girls’ soccer team. So what’s a down-on-his-luck elderly man to do? Why, dress up his all-star stepson (Jonathan Brandis) as a girl to win while lying to absolutely everyone in his life except his assistant, Jackée Harry. Surely this will in no way end up problematic 28 years later!
Don’t forget to check out Writer’s Bagel Basket, hosted by Scott, and featuring the CCF crew this week!
Next week: Matt takes his victory lap as we finally talk about the Once and Future Queen (and actual winner of the CCF March Madness bracket) Spice World.
To prep, you can watch right here: